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Cold Laser Therapy for Shoulder Pain

Written By Duluth Chiropractic and Wellness Center on February 21, 2023

shoulder pain

Chronic shoulder pain can eventually affect every area of your life, making it hard to sleep, work, exercise, and play sports or take part in hobbies. If your shoulder pain is preventing you from living a happy, healthy life, our chiropractors can offer safe, effective, and non-invasive shoulder pain treatment in Duluth that doesn’t require surgery, dangerous procedures, or prescription medication with cold laser therapy.

Non-Invasive and Safe with Little Downtime

Cold laser therapy is safe, non-invasive, painless, and requires little downtime after treatment. Cold laser therapy utilizes red and near infrared light to deeply penetrate the tissues and stimulate the body's natural healing processes. This can accelerate restoration of damaged tissue, reduce pain and inflammation, reduce stiffness, and restore range of motion. Our chiropractors will use a laser pad on the skin of the affected shoulder. The laser light emitted from the pad penetrates the shoulder joint and tissues without requiring invasive measures or incisions. 

Long-Term, Cumulative Shoulder Pain Relief

If you want a shoulder pain treatment method that offers long-term, cumulative relief from shoulder pain, cold laser therapy may be right for you. After a series of treatments over the course of four to six weeks, you may experience:

  • Improved blood flow to the damaged area
  • Faster healing of damaged joints, muscles, and tissues
  • Increased cellular energy
  • Better immune system response
  • Better resistance to infection
  • Less scar tissue

Comprehensive Shoulder Pain Treatment

Cold laser therapy can be combined with other therapies to create a comprehensive shoulder pain treatment plan. Our chiropractors may recommend some combination of cold laser therapy, chiropractic adjustments, and physiotherapy to give you the best chance of a successful recovery.

Want to Learn More About Cold Laser Therapy for Shoulder Pain in Duluth? Visit One of Chiropractors

If you want to find out if you are a good candidate for cold laser therapy for shoulder pain, visit one of our Duluth chiropractors at Duluth Chiropractic and Wellness Center. We specialize in designing comprehensive shoulder pain treatment plans that can reduce pain and stiffness, improve range of motion, reduce inflammation, and improve circulation. Our shoulder treatment plans may include cold laser therapy, chiropractic adjustments, and physiotherapy. To learn more or schedule an appointment, call us today at (770) 623-9291.

Posted In: Chiropractic Shoulder Pain